Hi Everyone,
How have you been? Sorry it's been so long since I've written to you but I've been travelling so much and now, finally, I have time! I want to say thank you for all of your hospitality in Aguascalientes. Los hidrocalidos son muy calidos!!! Also, I wanted to make sure that you keep in touch with each other by leaving comments and ideas on each others' blogs. (If your blog has "wrong address" written next to it you should let me know the correct address for your blog). Anyway, I hope that you keep up with your blog. You can click on your colleagues sites here. Please email me to let me know what kind of creative applications you come up with in your classes.
Happy blogging!
CBTIS Workshop Participant Contact list
Liliana Femat Bernal
http://englishwebaguas195school.blogspot.comGuadalupe Arroyo San Vicente
http://lupitasfriendsintheworld.blogspot.comMA. Leticia Morales Acosta
http://morales-cetis155ags.blogspot.comMaria de Lourdes Lopez Gutierrez
http://marylouworkshopaguas.blogspot.comAmado Carlos Sardivar Cancino
http://carlitosteach.blogspot.comMa. De Jesus Rio Quintero
http://marygramar80aguas.blogspot.comMa. Del Carmen Guardado Diaz de Leon
http://carmensenglishclassags.blogspot.comMaria Nancy Marquez Sanchez
http://nancycbtis39.blogspot.com Silvia Ornelas Rdz
http://silviacbtis.blogspot.comHector Flores Valdez
http://werewertoday.blogspot.comJavier Avila Rodriguez
http://pukysuk.blogspot.com wrong address
Jose Jaime Arteaga S.
http://jaimearteagacbtis195aguas.blogspot.comJorge Alberto Orozco A.
http://jorgecbtis39.blogspot.comEstela Suarez Franco
http://tallerdeinglespresente.blogspot.com wrong address
Carment Lilia Briones Saucedo
http://regalocaflis.blogspot.comBrigitte Miller - This blog
http://brigittecbtisaguas.blogspot.com/ The internet tutorial blog
http://funwebtasks.blogspot.com My general blog for Mexico